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Ask before buying anything!!!


This will not only prevent you from buying the incorrect or inappropriate item(s) for your kit, but it can save you some money as well.

Always ask the unit leadership or one of the senior members first before making a kit purchase.


Before beginning your kit building it is encouraged that you find a “Persona" or “Portrayal" of a person from the period. What your social stature was before the war would dictate what you

could spend on clothing, accouterments etc. It's also encouraged that you have an in sewing or wanting to learn if you don't already know how. All members currently know how to sew their

own clothes and we encourage others to learn.

Guidelines on Clothing


First and foremost your clothes must fit properly. We do not tolerate sloppy or baggy clothes on our members. In the period clothes fit the man and we take that seriously.

All members (and prospects) must have a well fitted and serviceable coat or jacket.

Color and material cam be discussed with unit leadership.

Other required clothing: Sleeveless waistcoat

Shirt (linen)

Neckerchief (silk)



Shoes with buckles or ties

Other clothing:


As we associate ourselves with Natives friendly to the Crown and operate with them in the field as our counterparts did over 200 years ago we dress in their fashion

Other Clothing


White Linen Shirt

Pucker Toe Moccasins

Wool Leggings (Native Style, red, blue or green)



We will help new members with research and getting you started by way of advice and teaching you how to sew.

About the Gear


We espouse the maxim “Less is more ". In their role as Rangers having to cross vast distances and all types of terrain and weather these men did not carry “Hearth and Home “with them. They  took only what they absolutely needed to survive in the field for the time frame they operated.

We do the same as they did and we appreciate the fact that you take only what you need and can carry on your back.


Suggested Gear: 2 Wool Blankets (White Civilian, Dutch, Rose Blanket or Trade Blanket)

Tumpline (Leather or Hemp) or Snapsack

Small Wooden Bowl

Two or three tined Fork

Pewter or wooden Spoon

Folding Knife or Small knife with 4" blade and sheath

Round Tinder Case with Tow, Flint / Steel and Char cloth

Canteen (Gourd, Cheese box or Rundlet )

Large Market Wallet (For Food)


Any other items you may want to carry please ask unit leadership BEFORE you buy.



As Claus' Rangers operated in the countryside to gather intelligence they needed to blend in the local population in every way. That included their firearms and side arms.

Documentation shows us that they carried a variety of civilian Fowlers, French Military and trade muskets held in stores from the French and Indian War and Trade Guns made by the English for their Native Allies.

We have very little evidence of rifles being used, so we do not carry any and discourage newcomers from doing so.

Side arms are encouraged.  Unit Leadership and Senior Members carry Cuttoe or Hunting Swords.  Other members may carry Tomahawks or Hatchets. Please ask unit leadership for advice on what to carry.


In closing, please remember to honor and follow our researched criteria. Any one of us will be more than happy to assist you anyway we can.

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